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Onpage Analysis: Fehler Start-URL
Onpage Analysis: Fehler Start-URL

The message "Fehler Start-URL" is shown when the Onpage Analysis is opened for domain example.tld

Benjamin Weßel avatar
Verfasst von Benjamin Weßel
Vor über einer Woche aktualisiert


  • In Onpage > Analysis Manager > example.tld the message Fehler Start-URL is shown

  • On Opening the Site a 301 (Redirect) HTTP Status code is returned

  • When checking the response header using Google DevTools does not include a location header Location::


A 301 Status is returned, but no location header is present.


  • Make sure a location header is set when using redirect


  1. Navigate to Onpage > Analysis Manager > example.tld 

  2. set all subdomains in Crawl Scope and perform a new Onpage Analysis by clicking START ANALYSIS WITH NEW SETTINGS

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